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Grain Management Main Menu

Grain Management Main Menu

The Grain Management Main Menu is where the user can access ALL the Grain related data entry and inquiry screens. The Menu bar options can either be clicked with the mouse to show the drop down menu or by using the ALT key + the underlined letter. (I.e. Alt C will open the Contracts drop down menu)

The GMS 2000 Module menu shown above is the access point for all aspects of the grain tickets and contracts. If you have a demonstration copy the text shown will appear in the centre of the screen, otherwise only our Toll free Phone and email address will be shown. To start any of the data entry screens or reports you can either use the mouse and click on the appropriate icon or the menu bar.

e.g. to open the Address Book Maintenance program using the keyboard press Alt-A and the drop down menu will appear, then press the letter A and Address Maintenance will be centred on the screen.

The icons shown below will allow the user to start the main data entry screens.

From Left to Right icon descriptions:

  1. Exit the Grain Menu
  2. Address Book
  3. Grain Tables
  4. Contracts
  5. on-line Ticket entry
  6. Grain Inventory

All icons have hints, i.e. when you move the mouse over an icon a pop up window will appear describing the icon.

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